Meet the Family


Our Story

Niagara Honey is a local, family-run, all natural apiary. 

Craig Bradley, Susan Anderson and Vanessa Bradley are the family of beekeepers behind the bee farm.

All honey and hive products are 100% all natural, unpasteurized and produced onsite, in Niagara Falls, Ontario. 

All honey is flavoured seasonally, ranging from clover to goldenrod throughout the seasons in which the honey is produced.  


In 2010, Susan and Craig developed an interest in beekeeping, which lead to searching for the perfect place to keep their hives. 

The long search concluded upon finding and renovating an old school house to call home for the bees, on the corner of Beaverdams Rd. And Garner Rd. in Niagara Falls, Ontario. 

Susan and Craig attained their very first honey bee hive in 2012 from a swarm, which rapidly grew to 13 hives in the summer of 2016, through splitting up the hives and catching more swarms.

Niagara Honey now has over 25 hives in 2019. 

Susan and Craig completed Ontario Bee Keepers Association courses over 2011 and 2012 through the Technology Transfer Program established by the University of Guelph and the Ontario Provincial Apiarist. They received tremendous support, help and knowledge from the Bee Keepers Association of Regional Niagara.
Vanessa joined in on the fun early in the project and now moderates photography, social and online platforms for Niagara Honey.

To learn more about the products and services offered by Niagara Honey, please visit our "Products" page.